High class travelling
connecting people

aeroways GmbH
GAT, Hanger 10, Office E60
85356 München
Terms and conditions
phone: +49 89 337588
fax : +49 89 337600
email: info@aeroways.com
Country of departure is the country where the place of departure is in the sense of these General Conditions of Carriage. Departure means the airport specified on the order confirmation, at which the flight begins. AGREEMENT means the force each of the agreements governing the transport contract following gene: – the Convention signed in Warsaw on 12 October 1929 Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the international carriage by air (hereinafter the „Warsaw Convention“) – the Warsaw Convention, as supplemented in the Hague on 28 September 1955 – the Warsaw Convention, in 1975 as supplemented by the Additional Protocol No. 1 of Montreal version -.. the Warsaw Convention, as amended at The Hague and by Additional Protocol No. 2 of Montreal 1975 amended version – the Warsaw Convention, as amended at The Hague and by Additional Protocol No. 4 of Montreal 1975 amended version -. signed at Guadalajara on 18 September 1961 Additional Convention to the Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the international air transport by means other than the contracting carrier – signed at Montreal on 28 May 1999 Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Air transport means aeroways GmbH, Germany CHECKED BAGGAGE means baggage which the carrier referred to in Article 9 of these General Conditions of Carriage in his sole custody increases and for which he has issued a Baggage Identification Tag. AUTRAGSBESTÄTIGUNG means a communication on the realization of a book saying that an obligatory binding contract has been concluded on the terms-mentioned in the order confirmation. CARRIAGE means the free or carriage of passengers and / or cargo in the air, incl. The associated transport services. DISABLED PASSENGER means a passenger whose physical, health or mental condition requires individual attention usually not given is (when embarking or disembarking, during flight, in an emergency evacuation, when dealing on the ground), the other passengers. Confirmed reservation means that the passenger has received an order confirmation that includes:
in the case of an electronic ticket or paperless delivery of the document was a) in the case of a ticket in paper form information to the flight number, the date and time of the flight as well as the remark „OK“ in the space provided or b) an indication that entered and confirmed the booking is.
Destination is the airport where the passenger reaches its specified in the order confirmation last landing site. COMPENSATION FOR DENIED BOARDING means the passenger done compensation in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the present General Conditions of Carriage. European Community (EC) to in Articles 11, 12 and 20 of the present General Conditions of Carriage includes the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as other countries, but only in so far as in those other countries the regulation 261/2004 pursuant between these and the European Community taken agreements apply either directly or indirectly.
PASSENGER means any person, except members of the crew that are promoted with the approval of the carrier in an aircraft or to be transported. A passenger is also the broker / broker of the contract to see if it is even promoted, as well as the customer (Customer Charter). GAT represents General Aviation Terminal, the arrival and departure areas for business and private flights the airports. BAGGAGE means – unless otherwise specified – both checked baggage and hand luggage.
GROSS NEGLIGENCE means an act or omission that is done recklessly and in awareness of the possible occurrence of damage. BAGGAGE means any baggage of the passenger other than the checked baggage. ACTS OF GOD means unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control of the passenger and / or the actual carrier and their consequences even in a diligent approach could not have been avoided, inter alia, incl. political instability (war, riot, airport closure, embargoes, seizure, hostile acts, restless international conditions, government regulations), weather conditions, contrary to the operations in question (flood, earthquake, hurricane, or weather conditions, at the discretion of the captain a safe flight could not ensure or exceed drive tool which operating limits of air), security risks (terrorist attacks, bomb alert, hijacking, seizure of the aircraft or the seats of a flight by government order, fire or explosions, sabotage), unexpected deficiencies in terms of flight safety (eg mechanical breakdown, poor or disturbed airport facilities such as defective navigation systems, de-icing, congested x-ray apparatus, loss of the airport public address systems), unforeseen problems due to illness / childbirth and / or passengers who do not abide by the rules, strikes that affect the operation of the air carrier , decisions taken by the aviation authorities with a view to a particular aircraft on a particular day, the basis of which emerge a longer delay or the cancellation of one or more flights of this aircraft. LAST DESTINATION means the law designated on the order confirmation destination or, in the case of directly connecting flights, the destination of the last flight. CARRIERS includes aeroways GmbH and those Carriers, and such other air carriers who carry the passenger and / or his baggage in accordance with the ticket or the flight contract or agreeing to transport or undertake to provide other with the air transport such related services, depending on the what is true in the sense of these General Conditions of Carriage. DENIED BOARDING means a refusal to carry a passenger on a flight aeroways GmbH if justified reasons for doing so, the passenger to refuse embarkation, such as or safety reasons or inadequate travel documents. DAMAGE includes death, bodily injury to a Passenger, damage occasioned by delay, partial loss or other damages of any kind, which arise out of or in connection with carriage or other services performed by the carrier related services. DAYS means calendar days, excluding the day of despatch of the notification is in respect of notifications not counted and will start with a view to determining the validity of the date on which the ticket is issued, or flight, is not counted. Agreed Stopping Places means the specified on the order confirmation places on the itinerary of the passenger, with the exception of the origin and the destination. TERMS AND CONDITIONS means the passed confirmed in writing or stated on the order confirmation or with those provisions, into which referred among other releases and on the present General Conditions of Carriage. INTENT means any act or omission which occurs with the intention to cause damage. Stopover means the deliberate interruption of the journey by the passenger at a station between the departure and the destination.
These General Conditions of Carriage are the conditions of carriage of aeroways GmbH, which are referred to, among others, in the order confirmation. Except in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, they apply to the entire transport of passengers and baggage, which carries out the Carrier paid. Unless otherwise agreed they also apply to the free transport.
2. OVERRIDING LAW Insofar as any contained or referred to in this contractual provision at odds with some in the Agreement and in any other agreements, applicable laws, government regulations, tariff regulations, orders or requirements provision contained stands on the fulfillment not by agreement between the parties may be waived, that provision does not apply. The invalidity of any provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
1. Sickness If a passenger after the start of his trip due to illness prevented to continue the journey to the terms and periods referred to in the order confirmation, the aeroways GmbH will move the travel planning until the passenger is able again to travel, if no other bookings preclude. For resulting additional costs the passenger is liable.
ARTICLE 4.- STOPOVER All flights offered by aeroways GmbH are direct flights. Due to the circumstances in individual cases may occur stopovers.
ARTICLE 5.- fares, charges, CANCELLATION
1. fare CALCULATION Fares apply only for carriage from the considered operating hours. The time calculation begins with the engine starts and ends with the engine shutdown.
2. TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES Any by the State or by an authority or by the operator of the airport or from the aeroways GmbH with respect to a passenger or the use of any services or facilities levied taxes, fees and / or charges are in addition to the otherwise applicable fares and charges and shall be payable by the passenger to the extent that they are not already included in the ticket price, even after order confirmation and / or payment of fare by the passenger.
3. CURRENCY Fares and charges are payable in EURO. The payment by another currency is to be agreed in advance in writing with the aeroways GmbH. If payment in a currency other than the euro, corresponding to the exchange rate for such payment to the tax rate of the European Central Bank or the Bank of the carrier makes use of in this respect on the day the order confirmation. 4. broking / brokerage done if flight bookings by agents / brokers, adhere to both the broker / broker and the passenger to pay the fare, taxes, fees and charges.
Personal data within the extent permitted by law, the passenger authorizes the Carrier to retain any personal data that this or its authorized representative for the booking of transport, the use of related services, operating baggage fraud detection systems and systems for the prevention and detection of fraud purposes related with order confirmations, the fulfillment of immigration and entry requirements as well as the communication to State authorities, such as Customs and immigration authorities and federal and state agencies, as long as have been demanded, transmitted by them. The Carrier is further authorized to transmit such data for these purposes worldwide in its offices, its authorized representative, the provider of ancillary services or government authorities, indifferent, in which country they are located. The Carrier has privacy policies that on its
Website www.aeroways.com can be viewed or the passenger will be sent on request.
CHECK-IN by the state so that any required formalities and departure procedures can be met in good time prior to departure, the passenger must check in no later than on the date specified by the Carrier or arrive 30 min. Before the scheduled departure time at the GAT. Check out the passenger is not on or it is not found in time at the GAT or it appears without adequate documents, the Carrier is entitled to cancel the concerned air passengers booked for the flight and is not obliged to delay the flight. The Carrier shall not be liable to the passenger for loss or expenses due to the fact that this did not meet the provisions of this article.
REFUSAL AND LIMITATION ON CARRIAGE 1. The Carrier is entitled to refuse carriage or onward carriage of the passenger and / or his baggage, and this for safety and / or order reasons or if the Carrier concludes with reasonable confidence, that such action is necessary to a) by about applicable laws, regulations or orders of the country flown from which or approached the or overflown correspond to,
b) because the passenger has not complied with any reasonable instructions of Carrier, which were issued to ensure the safe, efficient and comfortable transportation of all passengers
c) because the passenger has refused to undergo a security check by Carrier or by an airport or government employees,
d) because the applicable fare or any other applicable fees or taxes is not paid (are) or any credit agreements between the Carrier and the passenger have not been fulfilled. e) because the Customs and / or immigration authorities or other government authority (oral or written) shall inform the Carrier about the fact that it is the passenger is not allowed to travel; this implies that the carrier has received from the relevant authority a negative travel advice regarding this passenger, for example, if the passenger is in the actual (or intended) drug smuggling suspect.
f) because the passenger obviously can not produce the necessary documents. 2. There will be no reimbursement from the carrier if the passenger is denied d and j the transport on the basis of paragraph 1. 3. A passenger who is not brought from another referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article reasons or on the move away from the aircraft, is not entitled to a refund for denied boarding against the will of the passenger.
OBJECTS THAT ARE NOT ACCEPTED AS BAGGAGE CAN BE a) The carrying of dangerous objects, such as the following, in the baggage is prohibited:
(1) articles, liquids or other substances that may pose a significant risk to health, safety or property when they are transported in the air, including incl. explosives, compressed gases and / or aerosols, flammable liquids, corrosives, oxidizing agents, radioactive materials, flammable substances, toxic, unpleasant or irritating substances, and any other contained in the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods in the air of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the legislation concerning dangerous goods of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) listed materials; Further information can be obtained on request by Carrier,
(2) items the carriage of which is prohibited by applicable law, the regulations or orders of the country flown from which or fly into the or overflown,
(3) items that are not suitable for Carrier’s opinion because of their nature, their weight, their size, shape or smell for the transport,
(4) live animals, except in accordance with paragraph 10 of this article.
b) firearms, replicas of weapons, ammunition and weapons, such as antique weapons, swords, knives and similar items will not be accepted for carriage, unless carried as cargo or checked baggage and provided that the prior consent of the carrier has been obtained and this is proven by the passenger.
(C) For more information on prohibited items which may not be carried as hand luggage, such as pointed / sharp edged weapons and objects, blunt instruments and lighters, can be obtained from Carrier.
(D) The Carrier shall not be liable for damage caused by dangerous objects pursuant to lit. a) and b) of this paragraph. Passengers are solely responsible for these items, and any resultant damages go to the risk and expense of the passenger.
2. THE RIGHT TO REFUSE BAGGAGE Carrier refuses to carry any item referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article as Baggage. He is free to refuse the further carriage of baggage, if it finds that this is made of such subject matter or contains such. The carrier is under no obligation to take refused baggage and / or articles in custody. If Baggage and / or articles are taken differently than in the form of checked or carry-on baggage in custody, the carrier is not liable for this, except in the case of intent or gross negligence on the part of the carrier.
3. right of search Carrier may the passenger after ask permission to make a search, an X-ray or other ray of his person and his baggage to determine if the passenger is in possession Somehow that is the items listed in paragraph 1a) of this Article or whether his baggage contains such or whether it contains weapons or ammunition in respect of which the paragraph 1b) of this Article has not been complied with, namely to track or security reasons and to ensure that the regulations are complied with in terms of luggage. If the passenger refuses to comply with such requests, the Carrier is entitled to refuse to carry the passenger or his baggage. Causes an X-ray fluoroscopy or other damage to the passenger or his luggage, the carrier shall not be liable for, except in the case of intent or gross negligence on the part of the carrier.
a) After the checked luggage has been handed over to the carrier, this takes it into custody.
b) The Carrier shall be entitled to reject baggage as checked baggage if they are not properly packed in lockable bags or other suitable containers, which ensure the safe transport when applying the usual care. The carrier is under no obligation to take refused baggage and / or articles in custody. The Carrier shall not be liable for luggage and / or articles, which are taken unlike in the form of checked or carry-on baggage in custody, except in the case of intent or gross negligence on the part of the carrier.
c) The passenger is not allowed, in his checked baggage fragile or perishable items, valuables, money, keys, jewelery, electronic equipment, such as Laptops, calculators and so on, cameras, mobile phones, transferable securities, business documents, securities, medications, medical documents, passports and other identification documents or samples to take.
5. Animals
a) Carriage of dogs, cats, domesticated birds and other pets requires the explicit permission of the carrier when booking. The approval will depend on the animal properly
is trapped in a cage and shipping him about the required entry or transit country, valid health and vaccination certificates, entry permits and other documents (eg incl. certificates, ID cards and / or other proof of identity) are attached. The Carrier reserves the right to decide on the mode of transport and to limit the number of to be carried on the flight animals.
b) The adoption of any animals for the transport takes place under the condition that the passenger assumes full responsibility for the animal in question and the required licenses and certificates and the like transferred. The Carrier is not liable for the injuries or loss, delay, illness or death of the same in the event that a state or territory will be refused entry into or passage through any country, unless the damage is due to intent or gross negligence caused by the carrier.
1. The passenger has the aeroways GmbH to convey his contact details and / or contact address through which he may be reached in the event of changes in (the) flight plan (schedules).
2. The departures and flight time listed in the order confirmation are approximate information. aeroways GmbH tries its best efforts to comply with these times. From avionics and flight-security-related reasons, there may be delays. With delays and other disruptions of air traffic aeroways GmbH shall only be liable for gross fault of their own and intent.
1. ALTERNATIVES AIRCRAFT Carrier strives to best efforts to avoid delay in carrying the passenger and his baggage. To avoid a cancellation or delay of a flight, the Carrier is entitled to arrange for a flight success on his behalf by an alternative carrier and / or another aircraft, Baeroways GmbH reserves the right to charge the customer at any time to another, the same to provide or superior aircraft available when the booked plane is not available -. If the customer rejects the Ersatzgestellung an equal or greater aircraft that aeroways GmbH due to lack of availability to withdraw from the contract and to make cancellation and damages. 2. will be canceled due to negligence of the Carrier DISCLAIMER If a flight or delayed, the carrier will not end up on a intermediate or final landing of a passenger or is responsible for negligence that a passenger missed a connecting flight, the liability is excluded. In the event that the passenger a geringwertigeres aircraft is provided, H. v. The passenger receives a refund i. 15% of the fare for all flown with the lesser quality aircraft flights.
1. The behavior of a passenger on board the aircraft must be such that it threatens reasonable opinion of the Carrier no persons or property on the aircraft in danger or at risk. The passenger may reasonable opinion of the Carrier the occupation do not hinder the performance of their duties and must follow all instructions with the crew to ensure the safety of the aircraft or the safe, efficient and enjoyable transportation of passengers. The passenger must be reasonable opinion of the air carrier does not behave in a way that other passengers are reasonably object. 2. The Carrier can the operation of electronic devices, incl. Mobile phones, laptop computers, portable recorders, portable radios, CD players, electronic games or transmitting devices, incl. Radio-controlled toys and portable two-way radios, with the exception of hearing aids and pacemakers, allows their use is to prohibit or restrict for safety reasons.
3. The passenger may not be on board to such an extent under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs or other substances that he might himself at risk or endanger other persons or property or the aircraft threatened, or behave in a way that other Passengers have reasonably object. The consumption of alcoholic beverages that have been battered by the passenger in the aircraft is prohibited.
4. The Carrier may prohibit any smoking on board. 5. If the passenger the provisions of the preceding paragraphs not respected, the Carrier may take the necessary measures according to the situation, in order to prevent another such behavior. These include the establishment of the passenger and / or its board of reference, the refusal of its further transportation from any location and reporting the passenger to the local authorities.
6. In the event that the passenger does not comply with the provisions of this Article and Article 8, paragraph 1 or is otherwise in violation of its obligations, the carrier reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings and to claim damages.
7. If the Carrier as a result of the behavior of the passenger, the aircraft has to divert to an unscheduled place of destination, paying the passenger is the Carrier the reasonable and allowable costs of the diversion.
ARTICLE 13 AGREEMENTS Carrier’s Regulations
a) If in connection with the conclusion of the Air Transport Agreement the aeroways GmbH is also committed to take on tasks as the representative for the provision of additional services, the aeroways GmbH is not liable to the passenger, except in the event of negligence at the meeting of such agreements.
b) If the aeroways GmbH offers additional services as a tour operator, the liability of aeroways GmbH is governed by the rules and conditions applicable to package tour agreements, such as the EC Directive 90/314. 2. TRANSFER SERVICES
The carrier maintains, operates or normally does not provide transfer services between airports within or between airports and city centers. The Carrier is not liable for not mandated by the transfer services provided by third parties. In that regard, as the carrier maintains itself transfer services for its passengers and operates, are those based on the present General Conditions of Carriage. The applicable fees for the use of entertaining and operated by the carrier transfer services are borne by the passenger.
aeroways GmbH ||
GAT, Hanger 10, Office E60
85356 München
Germanyfon: +49 (0) 700 -40 40 40 2
fax: +49 (0) 700 – 40 40 40 3
hau@aeroways.com || www.aeroways.com
GF: Jochen Haunreiter
Geschäftssitz: München
Amtsgericht München HRB 191177